Bare Marriage
With Sheila Gregoire — We considered the impacts of poor emotion teaching in the church on Christian marriages. Men are not actually less emotional than women! Listen here.
The Joyful Mama
With Elizabeth Oschwald and Sara Chambers — We covered emotional health for parents as they try to be good emotional role models for their kids. Listen here.
Untangled Faith
With Amy Fritz — We talked about discipleship that works in multi-cultural ministry, the signs of healthy and unhealthy discipleship, and how internal family systems can be a helpful discipleship tool. Listen here.
The Living Room Disciple
We talked about what the Bible says about God’s emotionality, how Jesus shaped the emotions of his disciples, and how emotion should impact our discipleship processes today. Listen here.
A World of Difference
With Lori Adams-Brown — We discussed the importance of emotion for overall well-being, how to process our emotions in healthy ways, the impact of trauma and abuse on emotions, and how emotional un-health is showing up in churches today. Listen here.
You Have Permission
With Dan Koch — We talked about the anti-emotionalism in Evangelicalism, Jesus’s humanity and emotions, spiritual bypassing, and emotional granularity (increasing our emotion vocabulary and concepts). Listen here.
Halfway There
With Eric Nevins — We discussed homeschooling and its impact on emotional health, what to do when you think God loves you less because you’re a woman, and some practices to try when church gets difficult. We also touched on why I love icons! cListen here.
Jackie Always Unplugged
With Rev. Dr. Jackie Roese — Why do so many Christians think women are emotional and that this is a bad thing? Why do they think anxiety and fear are sinful? We tackled these mistaken teachings and discussed the truth of emotional health. Listen here.
Attached to the Invisible
With Krispin Mayfield — We dove deep into my thesis chapter on the history of emotion teaching in Christian books and tracts over the past 70 years and traced the source of the idea that emotions are not to be trusted (with citations!). Listen here.
Kingdom Roots
With Scot McKnight and Laura Tarro — Emotions are foundational to understanding every aspect of life. We talked about the recent history of emotions in the church and how it has impacted our discipleship. Jesus unquestionably experienced emotions and what we can learn from His emotions can help us be better disciples today. Listen here.
Alabaster Jar
With Lynn Cohick and Sareen Musselman — We discussed multiethnic ministry, differences between American churches and international churches, why people might think that talking about an emotional Jesus is “feminizing him,” and thrift stores in the Netherlands. Listen here.
Courage, Coaching, and Counseling
With Sovann Pen — I shared about my own journey through mental illness (postpartum depression) and trauma (C-PTSD) and finding healing. We talked about how Christians can get help from qualified care providers. Watch here.
Gravity Leadership
I talked with the Gravity Leadership crew about the role of emotions in Christian discipleship. Rather than ignoring, suppressing, or mistrusting our emotions as we follow Jesus, we should name them and validate them. Listen here.
Dauntless Grace Exchange
With Megan Hall and Deedra Mager — We discussed how the church has handled (or mishandled) emotions; the gendering of emotions in our society; how we construct the concept of emotions; and how Jesus experienced and expressed emotions in the New Testament. Listen here.
Being With
With Geoff Holsclaw — We discussed what it means to follow our feelings in a healthy way rather than ignoring them in our spiritual life. What role do emotions play in Christian discipleship? Listen here.
With James Prescott — We covered the very human story of Jesus’ life, including his grief and losses. We explore his journey by looking at his emotional and mental health and events such as the deaths of his earthly father and his friend Lazarus, his poverty and the social stigma he faced, rejection, suffering, and trauma. Listen here.
Cultural Savage
With Aaron Smith — We had a vulnerable conversation about dealing with our own emotional struggles and how poor Christian teaching has negatively contributed to our view of emotion in the church. Listen here.
God is Better Than You Think
With Joshua Pease — We considered how too often Christianity has misunderstood both the psychology and the theology of emotion in ways that are harmful. But the good news is that God is actually much kinder and more interested in our emotional world, than oftentimes even we are. Listen here.
Conversations with Friends
With Christelle Lerryn — We explored Jesus’s human emotions, how women are hurt by the idea that emotions are not welcome in church, how anti-emotionalism keeps victims trapped in abuse, and how we can confront and end abuse in Christian circles. She asked, on both emotions and abuse, “What now? What next? How do we change things?” I love that forward focus, and we came up with a list of ideas for changing culture. Watch here.